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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What Wednesday.

Sorry...more old photos...
I'm taking photos of some friends this Friday though-
Annie will feature, and she should have her new haircut by then...

Picture 573

I realise more and more as I grow older, just how fragile I am,
How vulnerable...and how fragile and vulnerable we all are.

I'm so afraid.
So much is changing in my life...there are decisions I am being forced to make...
and decisions being thrust upon me, that are out of my control...

I have to say goodbye to a friend of mine soon, because
I have chosen to say goodbye to another...friendships are like that-
they tend to have a snowball effect- you gain one friend and often meet 5 more.

Say goodbye to that friend, and you might have to lose an even greater one.

I'm sad about this...
Time to let the butterfly free, knowing the permanency is a certainty...
Picture 571

Now a new segment on my very young and often neglected blog:
What Wednesday.
I'll pretty much be sharing with you my latest reads, music, bible passages/verses, get the drift- hopefully I'll start having instagram photos of this too.

Picture 560

Listening to-
MATT CORBY- that super cute pretty boy with the long lashes on Australian Idol 07. He sung very stereotypical pop kind of stuff- Wasn't a major fan or critic for that matter. But since then, our sandy haired, rosy cheeked New South Welshman has grown his hair long, got himself a beard, and veered of to develop his own taste and genre in music that is a little John Butler crossed Jose Gonzalez- with an unmistakable Jeff Buckley ring to it...needless to say I'm in love, if only he had another 10 years on him... :) Check out "Song For" and "Made of Stone"...beautiful stuff.

STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS- 10 secrets every father should know- Dr Meg Meeker
The name probably speaks for itself, I'm learning the significance of young girls having stable, committed, loving and God-guided fathers- and the impact this (or the absence of this) has on these same girls as they mature into women- their self worth, self confidence, self esteem, the kind of men they will be attracted to- the way they will raise their own children. It's a difficult read for me, because it is speaking words that I know are true...but don't necessarily want to hear, or implement.

A different take on Affogato.
My friend Naomi and I were at our friends birthday about a month ago, and she was eating a scoop of ice cream in a latte glass, and had her own little espresso shot which she proceeded to pour over the ice cream...needless to say, she has me ADDICTED. So at home, I do my own little variation, where I make a coffee- Moccona French Style, strong with only an eye dropper of milk, before I put the largest scoop I can make in one go, and drop it into my cup- It's the most amazing confection...I should really stop.

Proverbs 17:9
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends.
I need a LIFE time to develop this. I find words leave a deep impression on me- actions do the same. Moving on is desperately hard for me.
God give me grace, courage, acceptance and a compassionate heart- I think this one is broken...

Goals in my head-
to buy furniture, a tv, and a vacuum.
to learn to knit- and knit a lot...Annabel would look super cute in a hand knit cardi.
to attend mass more often.
to love God more.
to continue to weed out my own resentment, bitterness, coldness and sinfulness through communion, prayer and confession.

G'Night and God bless Y'all.

PS: I'm aware of the crap grammar in this post.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Steph. Should I have a a read of the 'strong fathers, strong daughters' book?
