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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To be born.

Firstly, it's well passed my bedtime.
Secondly, my Biology revision isn't going quite as well as I'd like.
Thirdly, there is SO much I still have to share...
Like Sunday at St Mary's...and cute botanical gardens photos.
Like those photos and resources used for Annabel's baptism.
Funny stories to tell....
There aren't enough seconds in one lifetime...
But I'm going to put all that on hold for tonight,
because I feel an obligation to encourage all of you to attend something
that is particularly personal for me...and Richie, but probably most of all,
for Annie.


This particular event is one of the most important events of the year for me.
It's right up there with attending Sunday mass.
Attending Christmas Eve mass.
The Easter Vigil.

These photos were taken almost a year is held every year on the anniversary of the Abortion Reform Act. The day protection was taken
away from babies up until the moment they take breath-

This day symbolises the worlds desperate desperate need for God.
For Conversion.
For His Mercy.
It is a day of reflection, mourning and honour for all those thousands of babies whose lives have been and are being snuffed out each and every day. Those babies who never get the chance to speak, or to grow, or to fall in love, or to run.

It is a living prayer.


I cried this day...
for what I almost lost...I can't imagine the heartbreak of those mother's who
"CHOSE" to end the life of their obligation...their responsibility...their privilege...their baby.

If there is anyone out there reading this, who is not religious. Not Catholic. Even if you are an Atheist. Go. Attend this.
See so many see the abortion issue as the "Catholic Church vs: Women's Rights"
But it is not.
If you are horrified by the events that took place during the Nazi regime, or
if you were horrified by the Rwandan holocaust; if you are outraged by the story of
Jamie Bulger, then you cannot let this issue go unnoticed.
This is, religion or not, a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE.

There was a hit on this little girl at 8 weeks gestation...alot of people thought it was selfish of us to keep her and not terminate...she was booked in at East Melbourne, I'm almost certain her godparents played a major role in saving her life...she was supposed to end up as bio hazardous waste...


But her daddy and I walked through hell to bring her out the other side...alive.

I have made a vow that I will attend this event every year for as long as it takes,
to protest this abhorrent legislation.


Because these lives conceived every day regardless of the circumstances...have no
less right to life than this one...


Please come and speak...


for those who don't have a voice in this world...


who don't have a choice...


and whose rights never get considered...

March for the Babies.
October 8, 2011, 2pm.
Cnr Clarendon Street & Wellington Pde.
East Melbourne.
Concluding 3pm at Parliament House,
Melbourne, Victoria.

Thankyou Annabel for allowing me to fall in love with you from the day I learnt
of your existence.
Thankyou Richie for walking beside me through those hellish nine months and beyond. I can't believe we're still standing...
Thankyou Phillip for guiding us both through with your prayers and always grounded
Thankyou to all who stood and prayed at these marches long before Annabel- you were
praying for her- your prayers protected her.
Thankyou God for the gift of her. She was the grace and the mercy after the fire.
For giving us the grace and the strength, the courage and the humility- to give her life.

"He will either shield you from suffering
or will give you unfailing strength to bear it."
St Francis De Sales.

Good night.

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