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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Knots & Crosses.

No. It's not a typo.
I'm talking about the knots we create for ourselves everyday....
the problems we bring upon ourselves that we have to figure out how to untangle.

And the crosses that our Heavenly Father gives to us in order for
us to grow closer to Him.

The burdens bestowed upon us in order for us to realise our need for God in
our lives.

Mary, our Divine Mother I have heard is an amazing Help in undoing these knots,
and in fact there is a special devotion given to us for the sole purpose
of her ability in this area.

God is incredibly good at carrying us through our trials and crosses-
and I don't rely on Him nearly as much as I ought to.

Now wait. There is a point to this-
Everything in my life right now, although my relationship with God is
well and truly on track to the place I'd like it to be, all the other
factors in my life seem to be heading South.
And the factors in my life that aren't falling apart, are
at an impractical and inconvenient standstill.
The issues I would like wisdom and guidance and direction with,
are all literally stopped.

I'd really like somewhere of my own to call home for starters, and the
'right place' just doesn't seem to have popped up yet...the ONE that did
had already leased so obviously it wasn't in the Plan for me.

Richard and I would also like some direction for 'us'...
We're both a bit lost as to the next step.
We're standing on this tiny island where it is pleasant,
and survivable, and God and Annabel are taking center stage in our Friendship (for want of a better word) for just about the first time in...EVER,
but we feel the need to step in a direction, but
we lost the map and are hence stranded in a void.

My uni situation is also at a standstill- I don't know whether to re-inroll
for first semester 2012 or not, because I don't know where I'll even be, not
to mention this semester is the closest I think I've been to forfeiting
life in general- Uni is hard. Biology is hard. Uni and Biology and Babies
is verging on IMPOSSIBLE.

I want to be a nurse. But I want to stay home with Annabel as well.
I certainly can't afford not to get a degree...and neither can Richard
for that matter.

Trust in God.
Trust in God.
Trust in God.

If you have any unchartered prayers, feel free to steer them toward our
situation. Our knots are tight, and our cross often heavy.

On a lighter note, the weather on Sunday was ACE.
We took Annabel's godparents' daughter for the day...just for fun.
We went to the opening of the St Mary's grounds that were recently
landscaped, while I'm at it can I just say Opus Dei priests are so
great...aside from the fact that I love a good American accent
on a passionate homily, they are so friendly, and provide wonderful
guidance in Confession...and mostly because they are conservative.
I do like conservative priests- you know what to expect from them...
and you know what they expect of you...and they don't take their
vocation lightly either- they follow the rules to the letter-
I LOVE that.
There was a multicultural festival afterwards which was also
really good, and the food looked and smelt incredible but not all
that entertaining for a 2 & 7 year old-
They totally needed a colouring table with Catholic Saints and
symbols from around the world- it totally would have won both
the girls over, I'm certain. But 'Miss Seven' had her heart
(and stomach) set on good old McDonalds for lunch so we walked the couple
of blocks down to the Queen Vic Market for a final attempt to persuade her
to go with a more healthy alternative in the food court, before finally
succumbing to the yellow arches right near the market.
We then walked back to the car via this really cute old fashioned
hard candy shop where we picked out a few jars, before heading
to the Botanical Gardens- we brought a couple of picnic rugs and laid them
out and us adults attempted to have a nap- managing to get Miss Seven
settled with a good old iPhone episode of Spongebob, but Annabel was not
so easily fooled- and proceeded to spend our chill-out time arms wide open
chasing after a Moorhen yelling in perfect Aussie slang "Come Eeyah" and
hence thwarting the romantic notion in my head of her falling asleep beside
me that would allow for me to catch some zzz's. After a final stop off at the
ridiculously overpriced Terrace Cafe for Ice Tea and
ice-cream, we called it a day, and made the long walk back to the car-
Annabel cracked half way back and despite her defiant will to walk, her
legs gave in and literally couldn't hold Mama managed to gain
12.5 kg's in one fowl swoop for the rest of the way back, and baby was
asleep within 30 seconds of driving.

It was good to come back to the house to an amazing
(home-cooked by Annabel's godmother) Italian
favourite of ours- these little parcels called Saltimbocca, which
are basically veal and prosciutto wrapped around cheese I think.
She'd also gone to the trouble of cooking 2 types of pasta sauce,
and of course a great glass of wine, and bread.
This is why they are Annabel's godparents...
Not really...but she does cook beautifully.

It was amazing how different it was to look after 2 children-
and of very different stages in development.
Miss Seven was very good for Annabel too-
Annabel would love a permanent older sibling I think...

This was another really long apologies...did I tell you
I was a plogger??? Well I THOUGHT I WAS...
Here's some photos to make it up to you.








Post Script:
It's Annabels' (middle)namesake's birthday today...Happy birthday Elizabeth.
And also it is Arch Angel St Michael's feast day tomorrow-
I include his prayer in my devotions every day.
So happy feast day everyone!

And lastly, someone made a comment to me while I was standing in the
St Mary's grounds watching the girls, about how "well behaved your girls
are", to which I simply replied "thank you"...well they are my girls,
but only one of them is my daughter...Totally beats the comment of a woman
a couple of months back who commented on my cute "little sister", lol.

God bless you.
I will keep all my readers in my prayers.
If you could include us in yours, we'd be so grateful.
May your knots be untangled and your crosses light.

Goodnight dear friends.

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