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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The phoenix.

“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise.”
Miguel De Cervantes.

Those of you who know me, know that recently I, WE lost a great friend, TIMOTHY. I was in Adelaide a few short weeks ago attending the funeral of a man I thought would live forever. I truly didn't envision him leaving us.

I have been fervently praying for his eternal salvation, and praying for his family.

His funeral changed my life.
The ENDING of HIS life, has absolutely TRANSFORMED mine.
So before I go on, thankyou Timothy Pierce:
For your LIFE.
For your LOVE.
For your SPIRIT.
For your FREEDOM.
For your FAITH.
and for allowing me to live, love and lead more knowing and more
centered in God's love.

And so from the ashes of a phoenix, new life, and new hope calls us to it.
It sets our hearts aflame.

Much like God really.

Timothy's death called me more passionately towards celebrating the long awaited
for welcome of our daughter into THE CATHOLIC FAMILY.
His death did not plant the seed, but watered the soil from which it was emerging.
And Lord, it was WORTH it.
My daughter began her journey, a new life, as a CATHOLIC.
With the evening of her actual birth, it was the proudest day of my life.

Annabel Elizabeth Stuckey
St Aloysius Caulfield
Fr Gerard Diamond
Godparents G&F
All photographs taken by an extraordinarily generous and talented friend
JEREMY YUEN, who agreed to do this for us.

His amazing graphic design work is found at:
Check it out...he manages to be Catholic, and stay really cool too...

Her godparents' daughters.

Her baptismal candle.

She wasn't a big fan of the water.

But she was SO GOOD.
We're just sitting there saying to ourselves: "Who are you? And what have you
done with our Annabel Mischief?"

She looked so BEAUTIFUL.

We were so tired...EXHAUSTED. We'd been up most of the night doing preparations
for the morning tea.
But we were also SO HAPPY for our Annabelly.
Our phoenix.
The mercy that came after the fire we burnt ourselves with.
The life from the ashes.

Okay, that'll do for tonight.
I have to be up in about six hours.
More photos to come.
More stories to tell.
More love to share.
More ashes to rise from.
And more God to breathe in.


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