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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Here is us.


Here is the city we're leaving.


Here is one of the houses on our shortlist to rent.


I'm looking forward to doing this...


that is, walking away...not from you, or you for
that matter, but just THIS. You in this CONTEXT. I will be a way better friend, a way better Mama, a way better student, a way better servant to God, if I can just escape. It's not a promise I'm making you, it's a fact- I am a better person when my life has some consistency, and less craziness.

We went to Ballarat on Sunday, we got to have some time to actually absorb the atmosphere there, to see the more suburban Ballarat, rather than the trademark
tourist spots. I fell in love with Lake Wendouree...but I forgot to take a photo-
Anyway, we also viewed a property Annie's godparents are looking at buying, but before we headed there we went and got coffee at this really cute cafe- I was impressed and it won't be my last visit to there, Annabel loved their turkish delight (again I should have got photos).

Here is Annabel with her godmother.

With daddy.

Sharing the froth.

And a couple more.

On the property...

And Annie's 'godsister'.

Everything is falling behind, and I can't blame the blog, because I'm simply not writing that often.

Life is hard to live, let alone be productive.
I have my final exam on November 4.
Please God, let me pass.
I also need to open that box with her presents from people to organise

I also need to write to a family I stayed with in Adelaide to thank them for opening
up their home to me.

I have so many people to catch up with. To speak to. To love.

I need a secretary.

I need rest.

I desperately need God.

Maybe after November 4, I'll take a trip to Tarrawarra Abbey for a personal retreat.

Yesterday, life was okay.
Today my life feels like a disaster.
At least I have great photos?
Hopefully tomorrow will yield some better fruit.

Till then Dear Children of God.

PS: I'm thinking a novena to either:
St Joseph
St Gianna Molla

What do you think?

PPS: Can I just say Father Dom, PP of St Dominics in Camberwell is so, so, so
so, so beautiful- what a man of Christ. He has this way of saying what needs to be
said, whatever that might be, without anyone walking away hurt, or angry, or humiliated. A way of affirming people- he has an extraordinarily strong and gentle heart. As with all of our priests, please keep him in your prayers, the Good Lord knows they need them.

God bless and goodnight.

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