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Sunday, October 9, 2011


Please bear with me.
Just a little longer.
It's just...
I'm trying to save myself from a nervous breakdown,
which means I HAVE to pass Biology119-
This is Take 2.
The first time I attempted this subject I was:
Struggling with Hyperemesis Gravidarum.
In and out of hospital with dehydration.
Undertaking a fulltime courseload.
And under all that I had a gall bladder turning necrotic.
Hence I ended up with a Big, awful first year nursing FAIL.
On the plus side though I got two absolutely unexpected Credits and
a very relieved Pass for my other 3 subjects.

This time I don't have nearly as good an excuse.
And let's face fail is bad enough...
Two fails for the same subject?
Not so hard to wriggle out of that one in a job interview.

So PLEASE be patient, I'll be blogging again soon...
Fingers crossed it will be in Ballarat.
Unless I win tattslotto, in which case I will PAY SOMEONE,
so I can dictate my musings to you, and pay my lecturer exorbitant amounts
of the green stuff money to pass me.

I spent the better part of today in IKEA cafeteria studying an assessment
I have tomorrow which I am well and truly going to fail. No joke.

Please keep me in your prayers.
I CANNOT fail this subject again...
because it may force me to rethink my career choice...
If I pass it'll be great, I'll either make my way to an
early arrival to St Peter at the Pearly Gates (better make my way
to Confession before I open my final grade) out of shock of
seeing a P in the little box, or pop the champagne as another
minute beam of light breaks the dark tunnel of a part-time nursing degree.

Your sister in Christ.


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